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New batch of Precuts 50-70% off for limited time!


 Have you seen Riley Blake's new Confetti Cottons?


50% off Moda Scrap Bags!!!


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Any 15 yard Bella Solids Bolt - only $105 with FREE SHIPPING!!


We have Moda's Top 100 Selling Bella Solids!!


We have Superior Threads best selling So Fine Cones!


We have Moda's Top 100 Selling Notions!!


We have Moda's Top 50 Selling Books!


Need Batting?  We have Kyoto United Notions Exclusive!


Green Fairy Quilts Charity

Green Fairy Quilts Charity


We are registered as a Non-Profit Charity under the Utah Non-Profit Corporation and Cooperative Association Act.  Click here to verify our charity, then type "Green Fairy Quilts Charity" 


Every couple years we travel to Romania to buy identifications, food and other supplies for the street orphans in Bucharest.

(See videos and pictures from past years down below, below Donate button)


food purchased in Bucharest with donations

We mainly focus on buying food and identifications for the street orphans.  Most street orphans have no ID's and the Romanian government doesn't know they exist.  Without ID's they cannot get jobs.  If we help them obtain an ID, they can then get a job and pull themselves out of this endless cycle they are in of never getting ahead.  What we've discovered is the street orphans group together, live together, and sadly begin having children of their own that they struggle to take care of.  It's an endless cycle of street orphans creating more street orphans.  This cycle can stop with young men and women getting ID's and jobs.

Why Romania?  Clint lived in Romania for two years on a church mission, and grew to love the people there very much.  He also witnessed first hand how desperate many of these street orphans are, many of which have no identities and aren't helped by the Romanian government.  If you would like to help us with our next trip, please click on the donate button below.  Thousands of people in Romania live with less than a dollar a day, and 100% of your donation will go towards this cause! All travel expenses are paid for by Green Fairy Quilts.  Your donations help us buy ID's, food and school supplies for those in need. Together we can all make a difference. You can donate money below. Thank you so much for your generosity and your willingness to help! God bless!


This is a secure transaction with paypal merchant services using paypal or a debit/credit card. 


No paypal account is necessary. If you don't have a paypal account, click on the donate button below and scroll down to the bottom left to donate. You will receive a receipt for your donation. Thank you!!


Below are the videos of our previous trips.

Click here to see photos of what your donations have accomplished.



Today's Daily Deal


Shipping Update


New batch of Precuts 50-70% off for limited time!


 Have you seen Riley Blake's new Confetti Cottons?


50% off Moda Scrap Bags!!!


Everything on this page 50% off OR MORE!!


Any 15 yard Bella Solids Bolt - only $105 with FREE SHIPPING!!


We have Moda's Top 100 Selling Bella Solids!!


We have Superior Threads best selling So Fine Cones!


We have Moda's Top 100 Selling Notions!!


We have Moda's Top 50 Selling Books!


Need Batting?  We have Kyoto United Notions Exclusive!